
daniel@ 2:54pm 10-25-2007
Hola. Quiero saludarles y felicitarles por el sitio virtual que están manejando.
Soy de Panajachel y actualmente resido en Copenhague.

Ps. Tengo mi microaltar en casa.
Horacio Cabezas@ 9:02am 10-25-2007
Tengo un artículo sobre Atitlán. Si les interesa, se los puedo enviar
Nick Lee@ 11:33am 10-17-2007
I plan to visit your beautiful lands and lake soon. It looks very interesting. Any recommendationd for a visitor?
Alfredo Adani@ 11:41am 10-03-2007
Spero di Venire per Natale Tanti Saluti da Padova (Italia)
Judy Kenney@ 7:36pm 09-03-2007
Thanks for the informative website, I plan to come back to it often
Dermot Dinan@ 6:37pm 08-16-2007
I have visited the lake many times over the past few years. I think that it is the most beauriful place ever. Its tranquility is unsurpassed.
The people of Santiago are friendly, interesting and unique in this world. I will be back in early 2008 for a long visit and hopefully I can find a Spanish school there to spend some time learning and staying with a local family.
I have no words to describe the Lake, but it constantly beckons me.
Anne Marie Garth@ 10:23am 08-07-2007
Hello, I learned about your gorgeous area and people from the researchers at Univ of Pennsylvania. I am pleased for this chance to read more about you.
Malia@ 6:47pm 07-30-2007
I Love your site! So much information all in one place. I particularly enjoyed the photo archives!

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